A Big Thank You to the 8:30 Meeting Group for Making My List of Things to
Take to Maintain My Weight While in Mexico
A nchor/Attitude
B ooks w/Positive Message
C omplete Food Companion
D ining Out Companion
E motions to Feel and Not Feed
F itted Clothes (No Elastic Waist Band)
G um/Goals
H anger (My Personal Anchor)
I ntegrity/IPhone
J ournal
K eep WW Members in Mind
L aptop/Lifestyle
M emories of Reason for Wanting to Lose Weight (My Picture)
N o- Just Say It
O n Program
P oints Calculator/Postcards/Pictures of where I came from
Q uestions – “If I’m not hungry, why do I want to eat’?
R esolve
S nacks/Support from Home
T ennis Shoes
U nderstanding
V ictory I will feel when I return
W ater Bottle/Work Out Clothes
X-tra Smart Attitude
Z eal
I hope all of you have a wonderful week.